There is an epidemic in the world, an epidemic of men, husbands, fathers and leaders not living the life their people need them to live.
Men consumed with disciplined weakness, anxiety, depression, loss of identity, suicidal and living a life of regret and shame. I was there and am no more.
I forged a process of disciplined daily habits of strength and lived according to them. This process changed my life and I once again became the man that I and my people needed me to be!
This is where we meet and communicate the work we are doing. Learn and applyThe Forging A Disciplined Man Of Strength Blueprint.(click the red link here for a free copy!)This is where you work along side other men to better yourself; emotionally, intellectually, spiritually and physically.
We will be utilizing an on-line devotional separate from the MF1A Forge! Then we utilize the MF1A Forge Chat to talk about how the devotional is impacting out lives.
We will have a 1 hour live video call every Thursday at 12pm MST. Interact in the MF1A Forge private social feed, upload throughout the day to our private platform, access valuable PDFs, podcasts, & videos.
Identify strong daily habits in the MF1A Forge creating accountability for yourself and others.
Network with like minded men working to better themselves.
Word of the Week Challenge (WoW): The WoW is a weekly challenge that starts with the beginning of each devotional and will help you to intentionally examine this word/characteristic of yourself and then implement change to yourself and life.
Prayer Group Access: This is a group where you can place prayer requests and respond to other's prayer requests. Identify the foundational aspects of a man. Identify the failures and successes in your life. Create actionable goals through a repeatable and objective process. Then learn to plan them into your day with the MF1A Daily Planner.
Identify your purpose and increase your self confidence and respect! PDF/Blog/Misc Video Library Access: This is a growing library of "strong" content for you to access and use in your personal growth. (coming soon)
I will be hosting a multitude of live events and courses to include; leadership, success, intro to life saving skills, CPR, choking first aid, how to build a first aid kit, tourniquet training, first aid mindset and leadership, and many more. (coming soon)
Well-being: We discuss topics related to emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical well-being and growth.
Having a hard time respecting the man you see in the mirror?
Do you lack self confidence? Do you lack strong, daily habits of strength?
Are your days unorganized?
Are you frustrated that you have yet to find a way, a path to be a better man?
When it comes down to it, do you want to change your life, to level up as a man, husband or father?
Well, you are in the right place!
In the MF1A Forge you will have the opportunity to change your life. To increase self confidence, create and live out strong daily habits, to organize your day, to see a strong path upon which to start living your life. To become a disciplined man of strength.
Don't worry!
Most men are facing these challenges just like you.
The Solution - Join Now!
Start showing up as the man, husband &/or father that you need to be.